Friday, February 12, 2010

Christians claim other peoples religions are the work of satan and false prophets?

but when they are told an opinion different to their own i.e. Jesus was a false prophet, a liar, and saved no one.

they get rather agitated.

So christians, can you see what it is like when you condem people to hell, call their religion the work of the devil etc. IT IS NOT NICE IS IT?Christians claim other peoples religions are the work of satan and false prophets?
There are lots of misguided people in the world. Jesus can find them and touch their hearts, but He will do no more. We have to make the choice. It is sad that people are rude. Satan need not start false religions. In our arrogance, we are very capable ourselves.

But they will go to Hell. Make no mistake about that.Christians claim other peoples religions are the work of satan and false prophets?
I always wondered why the fact that most religions claim to be ';the one TRUE religion'; and their holy book is the infallible word of God, doesn't make people think twice about their own belief. How is it that a person can ';know for a fact'; they are right and someone with an opposite view can also ';know'; they're right when neither one of them can present even the smallest shred of evidence? How can anyone possibly decide who's right or if anyone at all is right?

It seems to me that religion is a convenient excuse for hateful people to fight each other and discriminate against others, even though their reasons essentially amount to nothing. A lot of people LOVE to HATE and will latch on to any reason to do so.
I don鈥檛 see why Some Christians should feel that way. We all pray to the same God. For e.g. in Hinduism (probably the oldest religion in the world), the most true name for God is Om. In the Bible it is said that in the beginning was the word and the word was God. Scientists have affirmed that the first sound to come out of creation was Om. Many Christians don鈥檛 know about the Aquarian Gospel. Many of them will deny this because they don鈥檛 know but it is true! In the missing days of Christ he went to India where he was taught Vedic Philosophy by Lomas Rishi and Agashtha Muni (Not sure if the spelling is right). When he returned and started to preach this philosophy, he was crucified. The Aquarian Gospel does exist. Once on a vacation in Barbados my dad went into a store owned by a Rastafarian man. He saw the Aquarian Gospel on sale but was not able to buy it because he did not go with enough money. The Rig Veda says that God is one but is called by different names. Therefore anyone can experience God, not only Christians.
I very much agree with you. Each religion is going to say that theirs is the right one, and God commands us not to judge. So I don't know what their problem is... By the way, when you said ';christians,'; you included everyone. There are exceptions to your rule.
i'm so sick of people telling me i'm going to hell. i'm like, f you dude, i dont believe in hell. and you have no right to tell me i'm wrong and you're right. thats just judging me and according to the religion you're trying to force down my throat, you dont have that right to judge so you should be going to hell too.

i hate religion. it should only be allowed in moderation.
funny ,but most people react that way no matter what the belief,seems everyone wants you to believe their way only,read some other questions and see its not just Christians reacting this way
They all believe they are the only true faith, it's not surprising, why else would they be there?
It is pretty funny, most of the religions they claim to be ';satan's'; work was created before their own religion. Gee, satan didn't even exist back then LOL! If they just took the time to do some research on other religions they would keep their mouths shut and appreciate life for what it really is and not for what they want it to be.
gee we got anuther idiot here and dume to
It is not nice to fool us, YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!!, even if your religion is pagan, YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!!!, that does mean that you are worshiping the, YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!!!, correct God.
True Christians do no such thing! They merely express that the MOTIVATION for such reasoning is demonically charged. God condems them to Hell, not people! It is our charge as Christians to present the knowledge of the truth in a manner that reflects God's love AND His wrath. Once again, you're generalizing because of the views of the ';bad apples'; that spoil the whole barrel!
Real christains do not condem.Christain stands for christ like and christ as it says in the bible chist did not come to condem the world but to save it.So if some one comes up to you saying that your religon is of the devil or your going to hell tell them they need to worry about there self cause christain don't go around throwing stones!
i'm sorry. when did lgbt become a religion?

i don't care what religion u r.

it's just fulfilling to prove the power

in the magic `,`,`ords.

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