Monday, February 8, 2010

Admiting that the war was based on false info or a mistake dosen't change the work getting done in Iraq? So?

The ';work being done';? We are killing people every day. Every dead body makes more Iraqis hate us. They hate us so much they are willing to die if they can kill some Americans with their death. That's why all those people wear bombs and explode them.

The ';work being done';? We have destroyed their country, their infrastructure and killed about 1,000,000 of them. They have no hospitals, no schools, no running water, no utilities, no phones, no safety, etc. Some work.

This doesn't even address the American who are dying for nothing or the massively injured.

hesjim57, guess you think Bush is lying about the false info? You are right, he faked it himself.Admiting that the war was based on false info or a mistake dosen't change the work getting done in Iraq? So?
Iraq was a flourishing nation prior to the Gulf War. It was a fairly modern nation with an overall literacy rate of over 90%. It was the only nation in the region that gave women any rights at all and allowed women to hold high political and private industry positions. It is true that Saddam Hussein ruled with an iron hand, but he also ruled a peaceful and productive nation.Admiting that the war was based on false info or a mistake dosen't change the work getting done in Iraq? So?
It's like this, let's say the government decides to dig a really big hole in the ground because there might be something dangerous down there. They spend four years digging, thousands of lives lost and 600 billion dollars, after they realize there is no danger. The hole is now miles deep, wide and long. Then they decide to cover the hole back up, because rats and snakes are everywhere. So they invest another 3 or 4 hundred billion dollars to cover the hole back up. Then they throw a surge, and really cover up the hole. More men die and the hole is still not all the way covered. Is this what you would call a victory?
What work, aside from the US and UK getting tons of free oil from it.

Let's look at the history of the Presidents for the US, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and possibly another Clinton....and this is from supposedly the most democratic nation in the world where anyone can become President....

The war was about the USflexing it's inferiority muscles, so they could feel good about technically being the poorest 3rd world country, (with a national debt of nearly $11 trillion, a third of which is owed to the Chinese), they couldn't afford the oil, so they stole it....and it was the US who put Hussein ino power in the first place, and why is it OK for the US to own 13,000 WMD's, but not for Iraq to own even 1, aside from the fact there is not a weapon in existance with a range of 8,000 miles, this is all about the US taking over te world, the same as the British Empire did 700 years ago, the only difference being, is that there are a few people who actually like the British Empire.

Democracy is just a lie fed to US citizens to make them believe they're not the bad guys starting all the wars....(cue all the thumb's down from the gung-ho American's blind to the truth).
A Bright side huh? Explain that to the families of over 4,400 American Soldiers KILLED in Combat in a War your Elected President fabricated intelligence to invade. Explain the ';bright side'; to the millions of Iraqi citizens caught in the cross fire of DUMB American politics... Sorry, but I honestly feel Bush, Cheney, Rove and Rumsfield should be tried for Treason... There IS NO BRIGHT SIDE!! War Destroys Life.. the only thing worse than War.. Is War without Merits!!!
I've recently heard their minister of sorts, Maliki, making the statements that Americans need to be out--that's why he agreed on a time line with Barack Obama----Iraq is not our enemy, so why do we need to occupy them? We need to go to Afghanistan and finish the job there...which is disabling Al Qeida permanently and making sure that the Talliban cannot get a hold of nuclear weapons in Pakhistan.....
Iraq will never be a Democracy. The Islamic nations have been fighting religious wars for hundreds of years. That isn't going to change no matter what the US does. As for democracy, the US constitution was set up to make the US a REPUBLIC.
True, but it taints the notion that the ';Surge'; is working... Yes it working but at what price?

In other words, its nothing to brag about because overall we have lost this war and thousands of soldiers' lives.

And to make matters worse, they want us OUT, but the republicans want to stay.....
I agree with you! Once we got in - we need to stay and help. Let us not forget that Sadaam H. was a person like Adolf Hilter! Imagine how great it would have been if the USA got involved when they first heard about concentration camps. So many innocent people would have been saved. Sadaam gassed to death tens of thousands of his own citizens - more than a few time. I am surprised the main stream media didn't educate us about what an atrocious man he was....he actually makes Castro of Cuba look like a pussy cat.
Oh, I see you are asking to rewrite history? How very thoughtful of you. You would like us to forget that nasty little detail - the end justifies the means and all that? Sorry, Bucko, we will NEVER forget.
yes, but that will only happen if we with draw in a good slow way that keeps iraq strong and stable. you cut and run and all the lives loss will be for nothing
so you think we should say...what?......'oops sorry about the invasion and all the casualties and the demolition of buildings and services.......we made a mistake';
If it was based on false information, then why are we still there and not fighting where there is correct info; like the location of Osama Bin Laden?
That question is sort of like, Which came first the chicken or the egg';.
It don't
So .... what's the question?
And the 4000 americans killed?
So...what? Time, money, resources and lives were wasted.
What mistake? What false info? Don't believe everything the press tells you!

Wow by all these negative votes, there must be a lot of sheep reading these responses.

First The war in Iraq was based on the FACT that Iraq had violated UN sanctions many many times over and refused to let the inspectors in.

Second, it is a FACT that Iraq had WMD's the used them on their own people and mass graves are still being found today!

THIRD I had two sons that served over there, one at the beginning of the war and he personally hauled away many stud missiles capable of carrying chemical weapons.

FORTH it is a fact that chemicals were found in Iraq that is mixed properly would of been fatal. My son had to guard these until they were disposed of.

And LASTLY, we have been mislead by the press for years now. Only telling us the bad things going on there instead of telling us about the 95% of the schools are open in Iraq with girls being allowed to go to school. That over 80% of the hospitals have reopened in Iraq. That the majority of the Iraqi people were happy to see Saddam taken out!

So yeah I guess those are all the mistakes that were made!

GET A LIFE people, don't believe the bias press!
Who admits that? Have they not heard of UN Resolution 1441 or the 1991 Cease Fire Areement?

To heII with the protesting goofs.... they're simply uneducated and uninformed.

Remember..... 100000 people all saying something ';stupid';..... is STILL something ';stupid';, it doesn't matter how many they get to join in with their rhetoric.

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