Sunday, February 7, 2010

TRUE or FALSE - Enzymes work most effectively at lower temperature and pH conditions?

Give THREE sentence justification of the answer.TRUE or FALSE - Enzymes work most effectively at lower temperature and pH conditions?
False. Enzymes work most effectively at their OPTIMUM temperature and pH. Usually that is body temperature. Some enzymes, however, work best at extremely high temperatures and in extremely acidic environments. It all depends on the enzyme.TRUE or FALSE - Enzymes work most effectively at lower temperature and pH conditions?
If the temperature is increased then the enzyme becomes denatured. This happens at about 50-60 degrees in the human body. When enzymes are heated up too much they vibrate so vigorously that the bonds holding the protein structure in its specific shape become broken. The enzyme shape changes and the substrate no longer fits in to the active site. An enzyme which has become denatured is permanently inactive and will take no further part in reactions.
Most Enzymes work best at temperatures around 40 degree C. This is because they have high amount of kinetic energy causing more collisions between the enzyme and the substrate and hence speeding up the rate of reaction.

The pH varies for different enzymes. For e.g. enzymes like phosphatase work best in acidic conditions. An e.g. of alkaline enzyme is protease

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